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Monday, May 23, 2016

The Strongest Reasons Why many Relationships fail


Communication is a simple word yet very vital in the lives of every living thing.

A school of taught defined communication as an exchange and flow of information and ideas from one person to another; it involves a sender transmitting an idea, information, or feeling to a receiver.

In maintaining a healthy relationship between a man and a woman, effective communication is very vital.

Many relationships fail today because there is a break down of effective communication. Effective communication occurs only if the receiver understands the exact information or idea that the sender intended to transmit but anything short of this will usuallylead to disaster In the relationship.

Many courtships and marriages have broken down today because each party assumes the other person to be a mind reader or expects the other party to understand issues in a magical manner.

Have you wondered why some divorcées usually use words like "irreconcilable difference". But the truth of the matter is that it was lack of effective communication that led to the break up.

In any serious affair or marriage, two different people must merge to understand each other and this can only be done by having a no holds bar communication with each other on every aspect from the craziest issue to the most important.

Many people tend to condole behavioral patterns they are not happy with and by so doing building up resentment over the years just to explode when the other partner least expects it and by then it may be too late for both parties to repair the damage.

No matter what the case may be, don’t hold back your feelings and learn to communicate with the other party in a very serious manner and not with mediocrity hence you just might be taking for granted.

It may be the way you want to be touched or the way you want your egg fried. It may be just anything that may sound silly or unimportant but please discuss this and you will be happy at the outcome.

Nothing is too sacred to discuss...

-If you want mouth action from your spouse,discuss it
-If you dont like the way he or she snores,discuss it.
-If you hate his or hygiene,discuss it
-If he or she is too boring in bed,discuss it.
-If you feel you are not getting enough attention please discuss it and don't ever stomach or condole things that gets you mad cos a day will come when it will burst out of you and you tend to overreact so discuss it in a timely,humbly,and romantic manner and be at peace

If we all learn to communicate effectively with our partners , I bet the rate of break ups will be greatly reduced.

Divorce and broken relationship is the greatest delight of the devil because this is the only institution GOD takes so much pride in because he instituted it right from the beginning of the world so Lets learn to communicate any and every issue that bothers us with our partners and you will remain happy and also know where you are heading in your relationship in a timely manner.

Hope this helps.

Entrepreneurship Vs Self-employment


Alot of times we do hear or read about the benefits of being self employed/entrepreneur. In fact, this seems to be the best concept to wealth. But not for once have I ever knew that there is a difference between self-employment and entrepreneurship not until I started reading business articles and books, listening to great business consultants - the likes of Fela Durotoye, Kunle Soriyan, Brain Tracey (these are my most favorites and role model) and so on. Then I sat down thinking every night, am I an entrepreneur or self-employed?

Many of us never look deeply into this and we usually mistake one for the other because they seem synonymous to us. Self employment is you working for yourself probably as being a contractor, a freelancer or you owning your business. The U.S dictionary defines entrepreneurship as "the art or science of innovation and risk-taking for profit in business. With this definition, I believe we are beginning to get an insight of how different these two are. After all my thoughts, I personally decided to regard entrepreneurship as INGENUITY. Now, what is ingenuity - it is the ability to solve difficult problems, often in original, clever and inventive ways. The way Bill Gates single-handedly revolutionalize the way we use home computers is an excellent example of ingenuity and entrepreneurship.

Two distinct variations of business owners are the entrepreneurs and the self-employed. Categorically speaking, most people fall under self-employment and not entrepreneurship. One major difference I see in the two is  that one has a bigger scope and vision than the other. Let's take  a big look at them

First, being self-employed, you have people who are working for you but being an entrepreneur, you have people who are working with you and not just under you. In self-employment, you employ people to work for you while the whole mission, vision and progress of the business lies on your shoulder but for an entrepreneur, you have people working with you - you are the boss or d director or C.E.O or whatever you tag your post but you and your staffs forms a team and you work as a team, they bring you ideas and innovations.

This is why two things illuminate the differences between self-employment and entrepreneurship;

1) For the self-employed, they have to go to work all the time regardless of the amount of staffs they have. If they don't, the  business will simply stop. It might not stop on that day, but if theit absence is consistent, as days roll over, there is possibility of the business flopping. For an entrepreneur, it is not so. The business keeps going even with the absence of the boss because he has those who knows and understand his vision and can run things successfully in his absence

2) For self-employment, if the owner decides to retire, then that is the end of the business. If the owner dies, the business dies as well. For entrepreneurship, the business outruns the existence of the owner because his/her workers are working him with hence, they understand the vision, mission and value of the business but for self-employment, the workers areworking for him, hence, all they do is just to sell the products and services - they don't understand the mind of the owner.
Take for example, Apple Inc., even after the death of Steve Job, the business still moves on (and didnt change to being open source) but can you remember that there was once a newspaper called Concord in Nigeria? Where is it today? If those working with Steve Job did not know the vision of the business, will it stil be existing?

Think about this - "do you want to build a business that can sustain itself and be valuable enough to sell to others (this is the mind of an entrepreneur) or simply create work so you can pay your bills (this is the mind of self-employed)?

Secondly, entrepreneurs are Global thinkers. They see business in larger scale than the self-employed. The self-employed does not want to go beyond his/her vicinity or do something new because they are scared of taking risk, they are scared if it's going to work out or not, so they prefer to be on the safer side but Entrepreneurs are risk-takers - he knows how to manage and control risk, he deals well with his procurement and thinks massively.

An entrepreneur understands that there is money to be made and more benefits to  had when you serve others on a larger scale. They think globally and identify needs and frustrations to serve the masses and continually further their market reach so they are always seen in the international market more than the self-employed. Take for example Jumia (a Nigeria e-commerce organization) and someone who opened a shop to sell his goods. His shop is in a particular place for the reach of those around and not for those far away from his shop's location but Jumia can bring this  same goods at is being sold to you wherever you are - they are meeting the needs of those far away.
So I see Jumia as an entrepreneurial organization as theu are meeting the needs of masses and  now Jumia is known internationally. Jumia now  extend.their services to other west africa coutries like Ghana, Kenya and the likes. This Jumia and the shop owner who sells the same things have the same mission (to sell) but different vision (to reach globally)

A business can be small, but when you start to think like an entrepreneur and not just someone who owns a business but someone who runs a business, then you will have the zeal to grow and not stay at a point.

Lastly, entrepreneurship is believed to be a key determinant of the economic success of a country. Self-employment could be selfish at times when most of your thought is about just your wealth. An entrepreneur also thinks about his wealth but he creates something that will benefit others and thereby bring in wealth for him - it is mutual not selfish.

Same goes to a Nation.

A nation that invest into entrepreneurship strengthens theit economy. There is more of exportation to importation and the nation is known in the global market. Similarly, entrepreneurs in a country also enhance the country's economy. When you hear of Apple inc., you think about America. When you hear of Tecno, you think of China. When you hear of Samsung, you think of Korea and so many examples. With due respect and love, for the sake of improvement and not condemnation, when we hear of our country, Nigeria, what do we think?

It is not that entrepreneurship is not practice in Nigeria but it is done on a very small scale and this has limit our mentality and thinking. When most of we Nigerians hear about entrepreneurship, we delve our mind into soap making, shoe polish making, how to fry doughnut For sale and so on.

Please don't get me wrong, these things are very excellent but our intelligence and skills can still be broadened than these. Let's see soap making, bead making and the likes as one sector of entrepreneurship which I believe is now being thoroughly taught but can we also look at another advance section of entrepreneurship? Can the government please help to invest into our intelligence. Thanks to those Nigerians who learnt how to develop inverters and solar generators - this is a very good example. Imagine this project has being invested on, then we won't have to import any of these things. Our schooling does not matter but the education given to us, so regardless of being a graduate or not, there are people, creative people out there with high intelligence who are looking for chances to use their abilities. Government investing in this advance entrepreneurship will change the country from just having mechanics but mechanics who can make cars, computer engineers who can make mother boards, phone repairers who can make phones and their panels, textile industries that  can turn wool to clothes and not just only tailors. Imagine us importing toothpicks, cotton buds, matches and so many little things when it is not that we don't have the resources. Nigerians who have the opportunity to support this type of entrepreneurship should please do so. I so much love Innoson motors - at least we now have a company producing Nigeria made cars (entrepreneurship) and not just Nigeria companies selling cars (self-employment).

I am not condemning those selling these things but can another set of people also learn to produce these things?  There are so many other things we can still create ourselves. If the government can, we citizens can and at  the same time, we should believe in ourselves and not condemn things that we make. Encourage ourselves by buying our own things most times. Let's believe we can and yes we can!!!I believe we are now enlightened about the differences in being an entrepreneur and being self-employed. Own your business and think wide about it, take constructive risks, read business articles, learn from the successful ones.

Don't just own your business -RUN IT

Written by
Adeyemi Olumide ( a.k.a creativity)

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Ten (10) Ways That Helps To Uphold Dignity In The Society

We all know that dignity is not something that comes easily. Below is some helpful tips that helps to uphold greater dignity in the society :

RESPECT: It is one of the tools that helps to uphold dignity in the society. A man of respect is a person of honor . Lerarning to respect people goes a long way in helping you to uphold dignity .

SUCCESS : A successful person will always be respected and admired in the society . Always work hard in order to achieve greater success in life as it helps to achieve dignity in the society. Work hard in order to achieve the goals which you have set for your self..

ALWAYS MAINTAIN YOUR WORD : Always try to maintain your word whether good or bad . Dont be a person of too many words. Dont lie to people . Stand by what ever you say both in the house and in public.

STINGYNESS : It is hard for a stingy person to be respected in the society . Be a giver . Always give to the poor . Helping people will make people to admire you..

TIME MANAGEMENT :Time they say is money . Try to be puntual and commited in anything you do. Dont be known as a late comer in any place you are. Always value your time in everywhere you find yourself.

GREETINGS : Greeting is one of the essential keys to uphold your virtue in life. Always try to be friendly in everywhere you find yourself . Try and greet people where ever you find your self.

CONTROL OF ANGER : Anger is one of the tools that destroys one's life. Learn to control your anger in any situation you find yourself . Dont act too furiouly .

THINK BEFORE YOU SAY ANYTHING : Use approprite words in any where you are . Dont speak because others are speaking. Try to filter your words before releasing them , most especially in public.

AVOID GOSSIPING : Dont mingle yourself with gossipers . Always say the truth no matter the pains involved . Avoid saying things you dont know the source . Be yourself always..

TRUST : Trust only yourself in anything you are doing . Dont put your trust in anything that is not helpful to you.

The Society And The Male Child


Everyday, especially with the rise of social media, the menfolk are bashed and branded “evil”. We often make generalisations about the whole “specie” based on isolated experiences.

Recently, a Nollywood actress wrote that “all men cheat”. My intention is not to write a rejoinder to the referenced article, neither is it an attempt to repudiate the assertion. However, in my moment of solitude, I asked if truly something is wrong with us as men.

Before making my case, please permit me to share three independent events that will help connect the dots with you.

Event 1

Recently, at a party, I was having a conversation with a group of childhood girlfriends. One of them, Omolara, was deeply concerned about the posture her nine-year-old son is beginning to assume in life. According to her, he is becoming too “SWEET” for a man, (Sweetness in her dictionary is a lovey-dovey, soft, simple and good man). She was actually seeking my opinion on how to help him ‘toughen up’. As I struggled to make sense of her request, I asked why she wanted to alter the poor boy’s personality and to my utmost bewilderment, Bidemi, Shewa and Zainab, all other three ladies sitting with us attacked me with an intense “Jezebelic” venom. I left the party wondering to myself if I was some sort of a novice, probably naïve or worse still, archaic in my thinking.

Event 2

A few months ago, I got a phone call from a very dear friend. She asked if I could recommend the service of a good lawyer for her. Since she worked in my former constituency (i.e. the Nigerian banking industry), I erroneously assumed that she was about to resign her job to register and start a new business, Alas, my very good-natured, homely gentle and caring Bolanle wants to get a divorce. The reason: Bros has been cheating on her with two of his ex-es and a new kid on the block in his office.

Disturbed at the distraught sound of her voice, we agreed to meet up at a nearby restaurant on my invitation. As she walked towards me, the pain from her countenance would best be described as the percussion to the symphony of a shattered heart; in one word: BROKEN.
I watched as she broke down in tears whilst she narrated her experience. She had led a chaste and responsible life as a single chic and had been a faithful and dutiful wife. Her world was tearing apart not only because she caught Le-boo red-handed, but, because he rubbed his affairs in her face and was too prideful to show any form of remorse.
Secondly, because NOBODY was in support of her divorce. Everyone, including her darling mum and numero uno confidante, encouraged her to her stay on in the marriage and their unanimous reason is that, all over the world and particularly in Africa, philandering is in the DNA of men.

As I listened to the societal justification for her to remain in the marriage, I realised that, somehow in our social construct, we may have bought into an unconscious “conspiracy theory” that has no empirical, cognitive, scriptural, or moral validation.

Event 3

The first time I saw Iyanya’s ‘Oreo’ music video, (no disrespect to the talented dude) my first instinct was fear for the ‘boy child’. I reckoned that excessive exposure to those sort of videos in his formative years can catalyse his inclination towards a ‘vulgar’ future expressed in poor character traits such as objectifying women, multiple dating, infidelity, lack of respect for women, cheating, polygamy et al. You can then imagine the emotion I felt when I walked into a friend’s house as the video was playing on one of the music channels on DSTV and right before Daddy and Mummy, was their six-year-old son watching and singing along without parental check.

Here’s my pain:

In most cases, all through her life, the girl child was trained to be contrite, to be meek, to cook, to serve the king as a queen, she was generally prepared for life. The question is, who prepared the boy child for life? Who bothered to help him discover his theme and guide him on how to navigate his way through the tides of life? Who spent time to teach him how to care for a pregnant wife? Who counselled him on how to be a gentleman?

As a teenager, I recall listening to a conversation about the girl child losing her innocence. For the girl child it is a taboo, but in most cases, for the boy child it is acceptable. I have seen where an African mother defended her boy child in a case of fornication gone wrong, but the girl child was stigmatized for the same “crime”.
In some homes, the boy child finished eating his meals and the Mother ensured that the girl child packed up his plate and washed them. It was forbidden for him to do the dishes because he was either the only son, the last boy or the first boy (as some Yoruba mothers will say, “Baba yin ni”).

All his life, the boy child has been told that he is the champion and that it is a sign of weakness to be vulnerable. In some parts of Africa, he is the preferred gender, the one to carry on the family name (‘o ma se o’). There is nothing wrong with building up a child’s self-esteem but there must be a balanced approach to it, the sad effect of these alpha-male doctrines and masculine philosophies is that it messes up the child’s belief system and often times he loses the power of believing right.

The world tells the boy child that he is the VICTOR whereas he is actually the VICTIM.
He is the victim of a society that lied to him that he is superior to the girl child (that is probably why some men may never be able to handle a super successful, upwardly- mobile woman).
He is the victim of a system that deceived him; that it is a sign of weakness for a man to cry.
He is the victim of a system that gave him a false sense of dominance over his female counterpart.
He is the victim of a system where his own mother concurred to the sinister doctrine that polygamist tendencies is an innate trait of the masculine gender.
He is the victim of a system that had no strict boundaries for his social conduct and contriteness whereas the girl was prepared for life and marriage.
He is the victim of our cultural flaws and idiosyncrasies.
He is the victim of a faulty foundation of a failed society.

Here’s how I see it:

It is our responsibility to show him (the boy child) the masterplan of his creator.
To be strong at heart yet not afraid to admit his weaknesses and cry if need be
To be a leader yet with the humility to be a servant and have control over himself
To be courageous yet not afraid to open to his errors in the days of adversity
To be strong yet meek
To be swift yet patient
To be sweet yet wise
To be kind yet firm
To be wise, prudent, caring and focused
To be honourable in the place of chastity
To build the capacity to commit to his words and not renege on his promise of love
To respect the WOMAN, her GOD, her will and her body
To demonize feminine abuse and revere her emotions, her spirit and her essence
To own his story, his will, his calling, his purpose, his family and his life
A man who will treat all women with dignity and not exploit her vulnerabilities even when the latter so easily give in.

Let’s help develop a breed of perfect gentlemen

Let’s help the boys grow to become Men after God’s heart!

To young mothers with growing boys, teach them how to handle the needs of a woman from a woman’s perspective, it is obvious that men don’t get it as much……(Family Customer Service 101)

We may not be able to change the global stock of men, but in our little corner, with our sons, our nephews, our cousins, our protégées, our godsons, our neighbour’s sons. We can build ONE man that will affect a nation.

A sage once told me: it is easier to build up growing children than to repair broken adults..

came across this and felt I should share and post.

Feel free to share on groups. So we can start building the kind of men we hope to see.
