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Tuesday, March 20, 2018



.......those who do not understand DC or Marvel comics are now fans overnight.....Well come, welcome there is room for all! 

I have been asked severally to make a statement on the newly released movie making waves around the world "black panther"! I have been reluctant until now, I am told to fix the puzzle of the movie with reference to Esoteric seeing of what is real or if there actually is an isolated country within earth unknown to present day humanity.
My first focus was on the producer Ryan Coogler who also produced "Creed". The producer like Peter Jackson is free spirit, nonreligious and somewhat esoteric, producing something lost deep within their souls they enjoyed hundreds of thousands of years ago.........
Let us watch closely why some of this movies like "Lords of the Ring", "Black Panther", Jurassic Park, Thor etal make waves around  the world when released. It is not so much about picture effects, fantastic flying machines or super human strength but the deep calling forth the deep. Man once stood in awe and walked with the elemental gods thousands of years ago. They talked with them, ate with them and built super human structures like the 7 wonders with these lords of the elements of fire, water, earth and air. Humanity are reminded and shown certain pictures of what they enjoyed thousands of years ago when there was still innocence...unknown to the producers the past glories of their nations. The producers themselves do not understand how they bring up these ideas.
Indeed, there was a Camelot, an Is Ra, Eldorado the lost city of Z, the Island of Hesperides, the chosen race of Sheba  etal where certain humans still connected to the Light isolated themselves from the unrushing dark currents of the fallen human race. Chosen powerful knights and beautiful maidens from the races opposing the fall and perhaps striving for Light built powerful fortresses unknown to man. There is only 1 left presently and the most highly advance human technology will never be able to find it because it is hidden by the Light....It lies in the East!
My greatest joy is the reality of the land of the ancestors displayed in Black Panther!
The kingly initiation of visiting the ancestors and dialogue with them before the commencement of ruler-ship is real.
As I stood up in Lords of the Rings clapping, in Black Panther seeing the afterlife scene of the land of the ancestors gave me delight that this directors may be teaching a brain washed religious Africans of today how beautiful it was when Light still radiated on the African lands. Well done!!! Ryan Coogler, you have thought what many false pastors and imams have no clue about.
It is also heart warming to see the lady general reject the artificial hair with disdain.....Let us take that lesson to our Brazilian hair wearing ladies from Africa who just love not to be original......Now you see true pride in original beauty.
Hercules once traveled to the Island of Hesperides far in the West. A tree which produced golden apples as a gift from Zeus and Hera to earthlings......Hercules once traveled through Africa in the Kenyan planes.....a tree protected by the dragon Ladon......Anywhere you find that sacred tree.....there is a Wakanda like land. To find it, you must see like a king......That was why the Panther came down from that tree and spoke....The tree of life that gives eternal youth!

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